Be you. Just be yourself.

Don't get carried away by whatever is going on around you. Just be you. Everyone has a purpose to fulfil at a defined pace. Don't run at someone else pace. 

For instance, the writing industry has a whole lot of people in it. You shouldn't say because Mr A has written 10 books within the space of 3 months and he's being recognised everywhere as a good writer, as a this or that, and you also want that kind of glory. Oh! His love for humanity is great or I love that position, let me also do the same thing. Oh! I love the way he is actually changing lives. This person is doing the same thing and I want to do the same. Is that you? You need to ask yourself if that is you or it is someone else. You need to be very sure about what you are doing.

The world is actually in a different dimension at the moment, and everyone is doing everything possible to be on top of their game. Amidst all these, are you actually maintaining the lane that God has placed you? Are you actually maintaining the pace at which God has asked you to run?

I don't know about anyone else but for me, if I dare to be someone else, I will fail woefully. If I digress from the path God placed me, I will pay dearly for it. I have paid dearly for my digression in time past.

Please, I am urging you to be who God wants you to be. Just be yourself. Be unique. Be you.

We see so many influencers doing great things, doing flashy things, you see them do what they are doing and you are like, Wow! I can actually be like this person. Well-done. Like seriously! Were you made to be like somebody? Were you made to be in the likeness of that person? No! You weren't!

You were made in God's likeness. You were made to be in his own image. To be like him. That's the only person you are permitted to be like and not any other person. You are not permitted to be like your parents. You can resemble facially, with complexion, character or what have you, though, you came to the world through them. You were not created to be exactly like that your friend or bestie, you were not created to be in his or her likeness nor image. You weren't created to be in the image nor likeness of your spouse, mentor or coach. Rather, you were created to be in the likeness of God and in his own image. That is the only person, you were created to be like because you will find everything you need to fulfil your purpose and succeed in him.

After him, the next person you should be like is you! Not any other person. Be who you are. 

You cannot run faster than your defined pace. Maintain your pace.

There is no competition when it comes to fulfilling purpose. Even though there are other people fulfilling similar or closely-related purpose as you, you have your own mandate or purpose to fulfil. So please, run at your pace. 

You cannot say that you are walking in God's likeness and you are comparing yourself with your neighbours or with someone else in your niche.  Please, you can never be you if you keep comparing yourself with others and trust me, the fastest killer of purpose is comparison.

When you keep comparing yourself to your neighbours or others around you, you are killing you.

Don't compare yourself with others nor compete with others. Maintain your lane and run at your defined pace.

To read on, pre-order a copy of BE YOU.

- I am IRA, your seasoned Women Intentionality Coach.


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