IRA: Welcome to Inspiration from Great Women of Exploits 1.0. This is a blog interview with a noble and great woman of exploits. My name is Itunu R. Adeosi. You can simply call me IRA. With me here is, 

Brown: Brown

IRA: Thank you so much for coming on board, Brown.

Brown: It's a pleasure.

IRA: Good day, Brown. Can you please tell us your name?

Brown: Good day. My name is Olayemi Ajibola but my friends and some family members call me Brown.

IRA: Woah!!! Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman who is intentional about her life.

Brown: Thank you😊

IRA: Can we get to know you more, Brown?

Brown: I am a Christian, a Podcaster, an Author, a Public Speaker, a Relationship Coach and a Fashion Designer. First child of four children in a family of six. Graduate of History and International Relations from the one and only Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.

IRA: Great! From your bio, you said you are a Podcaster. Can you please tell us what your Podcast is all about?

Brown: My Podcast is called "NudeZone with Brown". It's a Podcast themed around relationships. Each episode is filled with insights to help listeners thrive in their connections with the one they love. Whichever relationship status you're in, you'll find NZWB topics useful for your journey, whether as a single person, dating, courting or even married. The podcast is available on all major Podcast platforms including Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, Spotify, Radiopublic and Anchor among others.

IRA: That means we can get everything we need to know about a good relationship by listening to every episode of your podcast, right?

Brown: Oh yes! Listening to NZWB will definitely avail you of ways to have successful relationship experiences.

IRA: How can we access your podcast?

Brown: It's accessible on podcast platforms such as Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, Spotify, Radio Public, Overcast, Breaker and Anchor FM. All you need do is search for NudeZone with Brown on any of these platforms and you'll be able to listen to all of the episodes. You can as well click here directly to access it.

IRA: Awesome!!! There was a time I saw a book you authored. Can you tell us about the book?

Brown: 😁 That's my debut as an author. I co-authored the book with a friend, Fiyinfoluwa Olajolo. It's titled "FOR THIS WEDDING, I HAVE PRAYED". It's a prayer journal crafted to help all singles whether male or female, pray for their wedding day. My friend and I strongly believe that all days are God's and as a good Father, He is interested in every detail of our lives; no day or event of our lives is unimportant as far as He is concerned. More so, the wedding is a springboard for the marriage journey, so that day deserve as much attention as the marriage itself. Many people have relegated the wedding day to only merriment, eating, and dancing; not that these things are bad, no! But your wedding day is so much more than that, don't forget the very first miracle by Jesus was at the wedding in Cana, that wedding is up in history not just as a romantic event but as a revival! Our wedding can be so too, if we invite the Holy Spirit to it, this way the agenda of the Father will be achieved.

IRA: This book must be overloaded if a short detailed information about the book is this loaded... How do we get a copy of "FOR THIS WEDDING, I HAVE PRAYED"?

Brown: It is fully loaded! It's available for free download till 15th July. To get yours, click here.

IRA: Woah!!! We will download it now. Thanks so much, Brown.

Brown: You're much welcome. It's our absolute pleasure. We do hope you share it too😊.

IRA: Sure, I will. I have always looked up to you as a woman who is determined, intentional and full of influence. Can I say you got to this stage of your life by mere wishes or on a platter of gold?

Brown: Oh, thank you so much! You've definitely caught my attention with your regular messages and status posts too; you are definitely an intentional woman yourself. Let me start by saying, I am becoming. I am nowhere near where I should be but I am definitely closer than I was yesterday. I didn't get here by wishes or daydreaming alone, though I wished, dreamt and imagined but I went further to plan, act, learn, sweat, got out of my comfort zone and into stretch street. It's a journey like I said, and every day I'm intentional about fulfilling my purpose here on earth, one assignment at a time.

IRA: Yeah! One just have to be intentional about fulfilling purpose here on earth and most importantly, do one assignment at a time to avoid being distracted.

Brown: Yes!

IRA: What advise will you give to other young women out there, Brown?

Brown: Firstly, surrender to God. Make sure that you give him all of you, not in compartments but in totality. Some of us only let Him into our financials, but not into our love life. Some only let Him into their health but not into their career. He's interested in every single part of you, even the seemingly minutest.

Secondly, own your journey. When you surrender your all to God, one of the first things He'd reveal to you is, "Why you are here" and He'll then begin to teach you how you'll get there. This is your becoming. In this process, you'll be challenged a lot, taken out of your comfort zone and stretched till you grow, and your growing never stops. So, don't even think of being complacent at any point until you've reached the peak. Also, don't compare your journey with any other person, not even your mentors. Everyone has different assignments and God is a creative God. You necessarily won't use the exact same method as someone else to fulfil your purpose, so stay true.

Finally, be intentional about everything, particularly your relationships, your associations can be the catalysts to facilitate your growth or be the instruments of derailment and/or delay. Choose wisely.

IRA: Yeah, I got it all. Put God first in every area of your life as this is one of the attributes of an Intentional Woman. Never wished you never started this journey. Never compare yourself to others as this is one of the fastest killer of purpose. Above all, be intentional about every single aspect of your life.

Brown: Yes...

IRA: Thanks so much, Brown. It's such a wonderful time with you. How can we connect with you, Brown?

Brown: It's my pleasure, sis. I had a great time here, thank you. You can find me on Instagram at @nude_zone_with_brown, send me a mail at or visit my site.

IRA: Great. We have really learnt a lot from you. We will put to action all your advice. Once again, thanks for your time with us. We will reach out to you for more meal at your table.

Brown: Thank you for having me here. It was a delight, spending time with you.

It was such a wonderful time with Brown and I am sure we have learnt quite a lot and we have been inspired by her. 

Should you have any questions for her, she is readily available to give you an answer. Also, don't forget to leave a comment on the comment section.

To your success.

- I am IRA, your seasoned Women Intentionality Coach.


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