My name is Itunu R. Adeosi. I am just about to tell you a part of my story. 

Follow closely!

Growing up to become the woman I am now hasn't been an easy journey. I had a lot of ups and downs. I took charge of my life at a tender age. I was already making decisions not minding if they were healthy for me or not at such a tender age. I was both a brilliant and an intelligent kid even till now.

Let me take you down my memory lane.

I have a lot to say about my early years that is, age 1-10 but I will just start from age 11.

As a result of my quest to know vital things, I started out as a novice who doesn't know her left from her right at a very young age.

I learnt my first skill at the age of 11, that is knitting and beading. I could do it so well that I made quite a number of knitted and beaded works then.

Around that age of 11, I learnt how to operate a computer system, some cookery skills. I was that curious to know a lot of things.

When I became 12, I was already writing Mathematics Competition because that was what I was very good at. All thanks to my Mathematics teacher, Mr. Femi Oguntoyinbo and also made a lifetime decision concerning my career and I never regret it.

After writing my JSSCE, myself alongside my classmates were advised on what department to go for based on our academic performance. I was then, advised to go to the Science Department because I was a bright student. I agreed with my teachers and became a Science Student.

Did I last long there?

Find out!

Six weeks into my new department, I had to tell myself the truth. That place wasn't mine to be. That wasn't my life career. I love mathematics, yeah! I am very calculating, yeah! I am a deep thinker, yeah! But that wasn't still my place to be. 

I decided to move to the right place on that faithful day. My proprietor and teachers were all asking me why I had a change of mind of which I explained myself to them and they understood with them. 

What shocked me that day was that a lot of my fellow students followed me that day out of that department to my department and some to their preferred department.

It was that day I discovered how influencing my actions and words were.

At age 13, I was enjoying my new place. I had always dreamt of becoming an Accountant that unearth fraud and embezzlement. 

Fast forward to age 14, I learnt my first musical instrument, Violin and at age 15, I learnt how to play the Saxophone. I had to choose between the two instruments and I chose Saxophone. The last time I played the Saxophone was 2017 and I am revisiting it soon.

At age 15, I became a Secondary School graduate and got my first job as a Nursery School teacher. 

At age 16, I learnt fashion designing and up till now, I make my dresses except when I am extremely busy. I attempted my first UTME but didn't gain admission into any of the tertiary institution.

At age 17, I got a job at Equilab Business Solutions Ltd, where I served in the Administrative department. It was a period of learning as I was able to learn all I know about Office Administration.

Fast forward to age 18, I attempted my second UTME and it seem as if it was going to work out but it did, not at age 18 but age 19. While still working at the same organization, I served in the Administrative, Procurement and Supply Departments.

Remember, I had always dreamt of being an Accountant, I had the opportunity to learn all I know now about Practical Accounting at the same organization as I offered to help out in the Accounts Department.

Now, at age 19, I was worried that I had not gotten admission into any of the institutions I registered for. I was about picking up the third UTME form when my ever-gracious mind told me to recheck my name at one of the institutions I registered for and lo and behold, I had been admitted into the institution ever since October the previous year.

My joy knew no bounds. I was happy. Finally, I was going to a student of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic. I was the first on the second list. Lectures had started long ago. Test had just begun. 

I reached out to a number of persons about it. I was advised to forfeit it because matriculation was around the corner, the examination was a month away but the resilient spirit in me said no. I went ahead to accept the admission.

Did I regret it? No!!! I didn't!

Rather, it was a successful decision.

To be continued in Part II.

P.S: Just a little dose of smile can take stress off you.

- I am IRA, your seasoned Women Intentionality Coach.


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