My name is Itunu R. Adeosi. I am just about to tell you a part of my story. Follow closely! Growing up to become the woman I am now hasn't been an easy journey. I had a lot of ups and downs. I took charge of my life at a tender age. I was already making decisions not minding if they were healthy for me or not at such a tender age. I was both a brilliant and an intelligent kid even till now. Let me take you down my memory lane. I have a lot to say about my early years that is, age 1-10 but I will just start from age 11. As a result of my quest to know vital things, I started out as a novice who doesn't know her left from her right at a very young age. I learnt my first skill at the age of 11, that is knitting and beading. I could do it so well that I made quite a number of knitted and beaded works then. Around that age of 11, I learnt how to operate a computer system, some cookery skills. I was that curious to know a lot of things. When I became 12, I was already writing Mathem...