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My name is Itunu R. Adeosi. I am just about to tell you a part of my story.  Follow closely! Growing up to become the woman I am now hasn't been an easy journey. I had a lot of ups and downs. I took charge of my life at a tender age. I was already making decisions not minding if they were healthy for me or not at such a tender age. I was both a brilliant and an intelligent kid even till now. Let me take you down my memory lane. I have a lot to say about my early years that is, age 1-10 but I will just start from age 11. As a result of my quest to know vital things, I started out as a novice who doesn't know her left from her right at a very young age. I learnt my first skill at the age of 11, that is knitting and beading. I could do it so well that I made quite a number of knitted and beaded works then. Around that age of 11, I learnt how to operate a computer system, some cookery skills. I was that curious to know a lot of things. When I became 12, I was already writing Mathem


Vickie has always wanted to have a glorious and successful wedding right from when she was a teenager as she has always been seeing beautiful pictures and videos of a good wedding. She determined that her wedding will be ten times what she has always seen and read about weddings. This dream she lived up to. As she grew into a beautiful woman who is matured enough to venture into the wedding lane, she started working tirelessly to make that day as she wanted it to be. She did not only prepare herself in other areas but as well prayed for that. She was always on the lookout for how much she is willing to spend and save for that day. Days rolled into weeks and then into months till she finally met the man of her dreams. Boom! Victor did not waste time proposing to her and she accepted the proposal almost immediately. She was so full of joy as she is finally going to fulfil her dream. Preparation started in earnest. She quickly gave her day a juicy brand name, TOOVEE. Oh! The whole town kn


IRA : Welcome to Inspiration from Great Women of Exploits 1.0. This is a blog interview with a noble and great woman of exploits. My name is Itunu R. Adeosi. You can simply call me IRA. With me here is,  Brown: Brown IRA: Thank you so much for coming on board, Brown. Brown: It's a pleasure. IRA: Good day, Brown. Can you please tell us your name? Brown: Good day. My name is Olayemi Ajibola but my friends and some family members call me Brown. IRA: Woah!!! Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman who is intentional about her life. Brown: Thank you😊 IRA: Can we get to know you more, Brown? Brown: I am a Christian, a Podcaster, an Author, a Public Speaker, a Relationship Coach and a Fashion Designer. First child of four children in a family of six. Graduate of History and International Relations from the one and only Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. IRA: Great! From your bio, you said you are a Podcaster. Can you please tell us what your Podcast is all about? Brown: My Podca


Irrespective of whatever it is you are doing, taking care of and improving yourself is of great importance. The effect of these can not be overemphasised.  In this post, I will share the seven key ingredients to improving yourself. 1. SELF LOVE: You just have to love yourself the way you are. If you don't, you will have challenges believing in yourself. No one can love you, the way you will love to be loved. 2. SELF AWARENESS: If you are not aware, you will be deformed. Know even the tiniest information about yourself. Know yourself better than others. Be aware of who you are. Let this ring a bell in your subconscious mind. 3. SELF CARE: Forget the money or relevance we are pursuing. If you don't take care of yourself, how do you intend to spend the money made or gain the relevance you crave for.  Even the Bible says in 3John verse 2: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. Even as your soul prospereth, be in good


ARE YOU MAD? Yes, I am asking you a question and I need an answer from you.  ARE YOU MAD?  I know that by now, you must have been furious because I asked If you are MAD. You have to be and I am not apologetic about my question. Once again, ARE YOU MAD? If your answer is in the negative then, you are not MAD but if it is the affirmative then, you must be truly MAD. Let me ask another question.  What are you doing presently that shows you are MAD? Don't skip any of my questions if you don't want me to be angry at you. If you are not ready to answer my questions sincerely then, don't bother reading this article any longer because it will be of no use to you. I ain't preaching a sermon in this article. All I am doing is to give you a hard push and that I must accomplish. Another question for you... How are you MAD? Where are you MAD? (Gets interrupts) (Short dialogue commences) Friend: Hanhan IRA, can't you be nice for once? IRA: (Laugh hysterically) You and I know that


Be you. Just be yourself. Don't get carried away by whatever is going on around you. Just be you. Everyone has a purpose to fulfil at a defined pace. Don't run at someone else pace.  For instance, the writing industry has a whole lot of people in it. You shouldn't say because Mr A has written 10 books within the space of 3 months and he's being recognised everywhere as a good writer, as a this or that, and you also want that kind of glory. Oh! His love for humanity is great or I love that position, let me also do the same thing. Oh! I love the way he is actually changing lives. This person is doing the same thing and I want to do the same. Is that you? You need to ask yourself if that is you or it is someone else. You need to be very sure about what you are doing. The world is actually in a different dimension at the moment, and everyone is doing everything possible to be on top of their game. Amidst all these, are you actually maintaining the lane that God has placed y


I held a session on this context some weekends ago as led by the Spirit of God. This context might not seem interesting to you but if you want to fulfil purpose and mandate, you need to read through and apply it to your life. It is a very clear and straightforward context.  I will begin with Genesis 1:26-27 which says, And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. From that passage of the scriptures, it is very clear that you were made in God's likeness and his own image.  Why then are you being someone else if God has actually created you to be in his own likeness, in his own uniqueness? He has created you to be unique and distinct. He didn't create you to be someone els


Itunu R. Adeosi is goal-oriented, a Duty-Fulfiller and also a born-leader who believes in serving others to lead. She is passionate about women who are intentional about their life. She is also passionate about building a world of Intentional Accountants who are ready to make radical change in the Accounting World as a whole as well as eradicating all forms of frauds and creative accounting. She is currently diving into the world of Account Technology. Her passion and helping others succeed as well as putting a smile on people's face has been the major elements that drives her. She is the Convener of Moments with IRA. Moments with IRA is a platform for building women who are intentional about their lives. This is achieved by serving them with bitter truth sessions that push them to thrive to be a better version of themselves. She is also an author of two books titled, THE INTENTIONAL WOMAN and BE YOU. She is a Women Intentionality Coach, Young Women Advocate, Account Exec